Major Social Issues after Covid 19

Major Social Issues after Covid 19


What are Social Issues? 

Social issues are the unfavorable and unacceptable condition which becomes a major problem for other people living in the same society. Although, social problems may differ from society to society, culture to culture, or social groups to groups. 

For instance, under-developing countries have multiple social problems like unemployment, poverty, lack of education, high rate of fertility. Contrary to this, a well-developed country may have excellent literacy and employment records. But face social issues like racism (Black and white), bullying, or stress. 

Apart from unacceptable conditions, people’s behavior doesn’t suit a particular society on the basis of their cultural norms and traditional beliefs. Also, according to Millicent Kelly, people in society claim a social issue when people of the society or nation are against a particular behavior and do not accept it as social behavior. 

To understand social issues, you need to go in-depth on its topic and need to look at the perspective of two components, Objective Elements, and Subjective Components. 


Social Issues


Objective Elements/component of Social issue:

It is factual based and empirical evidence of the negative condition stating an issue such as poverty, unemployment, climate change, air pollution. Also, it is based on observation, verification, and measurement by experts. 

The subjective element of social issue:

It is a belief, perception of people loving society and facing a particular issue and raising their thoughts towards it. Such as drug addiction, racism, and violation, due to lack of education, employment, lack of facilities, etc.

Besides, according to Rubington & Weinberg, (2010), this component is the central concern of the social problems. Besides people subjectively release the objective component and make an action plan for policymakers and stakeholders. 

Impacts of Covid 19 pandemic on Social issues

Covid 19 (aka coronavirus) is a new pandemic and has caused several damages from an individual level to nations devastation as a whole. Moreover, the following list explains the negative impacts that occurred during the pandemic in our social life. 


Globally, the education factor got majorly influenced due to pandemics and lockdown. Due to maintaining social distancing, school and college went to shut down, and virtual classes came into our life.

However, in the absence of a school environment and competition, students feel lack of motivation and career-oriented as a report given by UNESCO 2020, and 1.5 billion students (87%) worldwide got negatively impacted by covid 19. 

2. Domestic violence

Domestic violence is one of the major social issues in every world’s corner. According to the local and national reports, due to frustration, lockdown stress, and lack of resources domestic violence rates have increased. 

According to the report of BBC, 20% of cases have increased during the phase of lockdown.

The Hindu reported the highest cases of domestic violence-filled by women in India, with 86% between March and May. Furthermore, according to the news, it is an alarming situation for the past ten years. 


Social issues

3.Psychological/Mental impact

The term coronaphobia has energy in the outbreak of covid 19 because people survive badly during this phase. They lost their jobs, being homeless, spent nights on roads, and die due to hunger and stress. 


last but not the least, the image below is representing the sudden increase in the unemployment rates globally. 

Social Issues unemployment



After covid 19 almost everything has changed, the way we get each other. The way we socialize now, the method of studying, and career goals as well. Besides, changes have been seen in a lifestyle such as people shifting to digital shopping and less socially active.

Hence, covid 19 even worsen already existing social issues such as the level of illiterates and unemployment in underdeveloping countries. 

Therefore, now the question comes how and when the government modifies the public health policies or what possible changes they will make to uplift the condition.

However, vaccine trials are going on, but covid 19 has shifted the focus of government from other social issues, as mentioned above. With this rate of education level and lack of opportunities. Thus, it may take a much longer time to fulfill the sustainable goals. 


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